What is a Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse?


Say goodbye to manual record-keeping and hello to streamlined DOT compliance with the Drug and Alcohol Clearing House.

According to a recent survey, 70% of transportation companies have reported improved efficiency and a reduction in administrative costs since implementing the DOT drug and alcohol Clearinghouse into their operations.

What does clearinghouse mean?

The Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is a database created by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to monitor and improve the safety of commercial drivers in the United States. The FMSCA drug and alcohol clearinghouse serves as a central repository for information on commercial drivers' violations related to the Department of Transportation drug and alcohol testing program.

What is the purpose of a Clearinghouse?

The purpose of the FMSCA drug & alcohol clearinghouse is to prevent drivers who have violated federal drug and alcohol testing regulations from moving from one carrier to another without detection.

By providing a comprehensive, centralized source of information that is stored in the Clearinghouse after a violation for a minimum of five years, the drug alcohol clearinghouse helps to ensure that commercial drivers who pose a safety risk are kept off the roads, promoting the safety of all motorists on the nation's highways.

Requirements of Clearinghouse

The agencies that are regulated under the DOT and FMSCA requirements are mandated to report the violation of all current and potential workers, according to 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 40 and 382. These agencies are:

  • FMCSA-regulated employers

  • Medical Review Officers (MROs)

  • Substance Abuse Professionals (SAPs)

  • Consortia or Third Party Administration (C/TPAs)

More information

What is MRO in drug testing?

Why is TPA or C/TPA needed?

Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse is crucial for promoting safety, responsibility, and accountability in the commercial transportation industry. Select goMDnow as your trusted TPA or C/TPA (Consortium Third Party Administrator) and let the process run smoothly. Call us today at 980-202-1466 for further information.

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